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Career Courses, Internship Credit

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Explore the sections below to learn about applying for and receiving credit for your departmental internships, as well as our career courses and career design courses!


Unsure about whether your department offers internship course credit? Check out the document below for a complete list of Arts and Sciences departments that offer internship courses.

Policies for awarding academic credit for internships vary across departments. Some academic departments will accept the enrollment of students from any major into their internship courses, within the guidelines set by their faculty. Other departments award independent study credit for successful completion of an internship because they don’t have internship courses.

To earn academic credit, you will need to complete assignments specified by the department and work for a minimum number of hours at the internship site. Students register and pay tuition for these credit hours in the same manner as other classroom learning experiences.

When seeking credit for an internship, you should plan to:

  • Provide the department contact with a copy of the internship description.
  • Contact the department about the possibility of obtaining credit BEFORE you begin the internship (the general guideline is to request credit at least two weeks before the term starts).

A word of caution: Internship postings published by companies sometimes include statements like, "school credit is available." You need to know that the decision about whether or not a particular internship is worthy of academic credit resides with the university’s academic departments – not the companies that recruit students.  If you are denied enrollment in a department internship course, you might be able to obtain approval to enroll in one of the college-level internship courses.


You are encouraged to first check with an academic department to see if the particular internship you are considering meets their requirements for obtaining academic credit. If course credit is not available from an academic department, you can enroll in either ARTSSCI 1191 or ARTSSCI 3191.02 as long as:

  1. The internship has first been approved by the Center for Career and Professional Success,
  2. You are seeking to enroll BEFORE the “last day to add a course without a petition” deadline, and
  3. You have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0.

Because of the time required to review enrollment requests, you are strongly encouraged to submit your enrollment request form no later than a week prior to the start of the semester or session. Please note that the ARTSSCI internship courses are subject to the same late enrollment fees as “regular courses”. Enrollment in the ARTSSCI internship courses is based on location of internship. If you will be working on-site for an employer located in another state, you will be charged out-of-state tuition and fees. If you are doing 100% virtual work for an employer located in another state, you will not be charged out-of-state tuition and fees.


The main difference between ARTSSCI 1191 and ARTSSCI 3191.02 is the credits offered via the courses. The 1191 course is a zero-credit course that provides a transcript notation for your internship. This course is a good option if the internship site requires you to be enrolled during your internship. The 3191.02 course can be taken for 1 or 2 credit hours based on how many hours you’ll be working at your internship site, and it includes career exploration assignments. Both courses are taught 100% online via Carmen.

After an enrollment request form is submitted, Career Success will contact your internship site supervisor to verify the information you provided on the enrollment request form. Once the form is confirmed as accurate, Career Success will directly enroll you into the course and email you about your enrollment status.

Students must find an internship before enrolling. An internship will NOT be arranged for students as part of this course.  Students should begin searching for an internship during the middle portion of the term prior to their intended enrolling. For example, if you plan to enroll in the course for Spring Semester you will need to begin your internship search during the middle portion of Autumn Semester. 

Internship opportunities geared toward Arts and Sciences majors are found in Handshake. 

Before enrolling in one of the ARTSSCI internship courses, an international student must have a Curricular Practical Training (CPT) form on file with the Office of International Affairs (OIA). International students can learn more about CPT here.


Looking for a course that will help you with your career planning?  If so, consider enrolling in ARTSSCI 1900 to explore how your interests, values, and skills relate to career fields. You will also learn how to research employers, network effectively, prepare effective resumes and cover letters, and interview with confidence. The course is graded S/U, provides one (1) hour of elective credit, and is offered autumn and spring semesters.

Another option is EDU PAES 2270.02, a course that will help you explore connections between your major and career fields as well as improve your job search skills. The class is graded S/U and is worth 2 credit hours.


Self-promotion is a key job search skill, and in today’s world you often need to go beyond crafting a strong resume to gain the attention of employers. Your resume is a great starting point for describing how your work experiences, involvement outside of the classroom, and coursework have contributed to your skill sets. However, because of space limitations, you will likely need to set up a portfolio that allows you to provide a more thorough account of your skills. Think of your resume as a promotional document that will prompt employers to invest time in reviewing a more descriptive online portfolio. A good tactic is to create profiles on Handshake and LinkedIn, and include links on your resume to your profiles. Within your profiles, you can list your skills as well as describe how you gained those skills through courses and other experiences. But, don’t stop there! Reach out to faculty, current and former supervisors, and any others who are familiar with your skill sets, with the request that they endorse the skills on your LinkedIn profile. According to a survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers in 2017, 91.1% of the employers responding indicated that they use LinkedIn as part of their recruiting process.

Recognize that you have multiple tools at your disposal to promote how you are ready for the workforce or a post-baccalaureate program!

If you are completing a major in the arts or have multiple work samples to share with prospective employers, you’ll probably want to also set up an online portfolio that allows you to upload those samples for employers to view.  Examples of portfolio sites include https://www.coroflot.com/ and https://www.behance.net/, or the Ohio State offered free site, u.osu.edu.

The College of Arts and Sciences Center for Career and Professional Success is pleased to announce the release of 4 new career development courses designed to help students map out career plans, prepare for internships, build professional skills, and work directly with industry and alumni partners. Our courses provide practical, actionable skills that translate directly to workplace success for our graduates. To learn more, contact Assistant Dean Tricia Zelaya-Leon.1 for more information.

When should I submit my enrollment request form?
You are strongly encouraged to submit your enrollment request form no later than ONE week prior to the start of the semester or session.
Where can I look for internships and receive career development?
Refer to the Where to Start?  and the Finding Internships pages.
I discovered a third ARTSSCI internship course, 3191.01. Who is eligible to enroll in this course? 
ARTSSCI 3191.01 is much different than Career Success's other two internship courses. The 3191.01 courses can be taken for 1-12 credit hours based on the amount of hours you'll be working at your internship site. For this course, you will need to find a faculty member to direct the academic component of your internship experience. The faculty member would be tasked with creating assignments for you and determining your grade for the course. Please email Joi Brihm-Spann at brihm-spann.1@osu.edu to receive the enrollment form for all internship courses for the Autumn semester and beyond.
How do I get an enrollment request form?
Please email Joi Brihm-Spann at brihm-spann.1@osu.edu to receive the enrollment form for all internship courses for the Autumn semester and beyond.