The Ohio State University now uses Handshake to connect students with employers for jobs, internships, co-ops, and career opportunities. If you are new to using our services, please:
- Review the Employer Policies for Use of Services
- Register for Handshake at
When posting, be detailed and specific. Students and recent graduates respond more strongly to a direct and transparent job description that includes a brief overview of your organization and its culture, and clearly outlines their day-to-day duties and responsibilities. Avoid ambiguous phrases and, if possible, omit specialized terminology and acronyms.
For general tips review the following: 10 Secrets to Writing a Great Job Post
For additional information on recruiting at Ohio State, or for advice on developing a posting, please contact Scott Kustis at, or 614-247-8698.
For technical issues registering, logging in, or using the system please contact ASC Career Success at
If you are seeking alumni who graduated more than four academic terms ago, please contact the Bill and Susan Lhota Office of Alumni Career Management.
- Reach all students with one posting: All students at Ohio State are connected to the Handshake system which means you can target students from all majors, degree levels, and colleges.
- Customize your postings for specific candidate groups: Your postings may be targeted to all students, or you can screen based on criteria such as major, GPA, or expected graduation date.
- Flexibility in how you receive resumes: You can opt to have resumes sent directly to a designated recruiting coordinator, allow Handshake to hold the submitted resumes for a recruiter to log in and review, or direct candidates to your internal application system.
- Request an interview schedule: Posting with Handshake allows you to utilize the online interview scheduling service. Although we are not currently hosting interviews on campus you can still use the system to select, invite and schedule candidates.
- Increase brand awareness among students: Completing your company's profile in Handshake allows proactive students to research your organization before applying or interviewing
Handshake does not offer access to the types of resume books used in the past. Handshake allows customizable search based on criteria such as major, class level, or graduation date. Search results can be downloaded into PDF file.
If you're looking to download applicant resumes or what is frequently referred to as a 'resume book', you can do so yourself from your Handshake account!
To access your applicants on Handshake, you'll want to first select the particular Job or Interview you're interested in to access the direct list of students that have applied. (Read more on how to do this here)
The best way to effectively build your brand is to engage directly with students while on campus. Below are several methods that have been proven successful. For additional information about setting up any of these activities please contact Scott Kustis at Employers conducting these activities should have active postings in Handshake.
At this time we are not offering an on-campus interview option. We do encourage employers to use Handshake to schedule virtual interview days. We look forward to welcoming you back to campus once health and safety conditions improve.
Benefits of using the Handshake scheduling system:
- Scheduling assistance: The Handshake interview module provides you with a time saving, automated scheduling experience. Select from one of our pre-set templates or work with us to develop a customized schedule. Attach the position postings to your schedule, and once the application deadline expires you can accept the candidates you wish to interview. Candidates are then alerted to sign up for one of the preset interview times, removing you from the process of manually contacting and scheduling individual candidates.
- Student response rates: Students often apply in greater numbers to positions attached to interview schedules due to the perception that these are “real” interview opportunities.
If you have questions or desire more information about the virtual interview process, please contact Director of Industry Connections, Scott Kustis at or 614-247-8698.
Students appreciate the opportunity to practice their interview skills while meeting with an employer or alumnus who works in an industry in which they are interested. Even in a virtual environment this can be a great brand building opportunity for your organization and can cultivate a pipeline of prospective candidates.
The career fairs hosted by the College of Arts and Sciences Center for Career and Professional Success are open to all students, regardless of major. Ohio State sponsors a number of other career fairs throughout the academic year; for a complete list, visit the Buckeye Careers website.
Benefits to attending our career fairs include:
- The College of Arts and Sciences is a great “one stop shop” where you can find students from technical, scientific, and artistic disciplines. Nearly half of all undergrads from Ohio State have an Arts and Sciences degree. Our career fairs are the easiest way of finding candidates across a wide range of majors.
- Organizations seeking diversity will find an Arts and Sciences career fair a great place to source talent!
- All students at Ohio State are welcome and encouraged to attend our fairs. You will find students representing colleges across the university.
- All degree levels are represented at our fairs – you can source undergraduate talent as well as those with advanced degrees!
- The Center works closely with academic departments to send customized recruiting information to students in specific programs of interest. This drives more of the students you seek to find to the event.
For more information check out the links above or contact our office at or 614-292-3366
If you're interested in a more intentional way of recruiting, we have numerous opportunities for you. Please contact Scott Kustis at Employers conducting these activities should have active postings in Handshake.
Creating brand awareness on a large campus can be a challenge. Our Career Connections events create a more personal space for you to communicate your message. We are eager to engage with you on innovative ways to open a dialogue with students interested in your industry. These events showcase specific industry sectors and are perfect for organizations that don’t fit into the large scale career fair format.
You can really break through the noise of larger events by hosting one of these chat groups that alternate between alumni and recruiters. Have a deep dive discussion with a group of highly motivated students that exemplify the value of an arts and sciences education. Using Zoom participants may need to bring their own coffee and snacks, but the conversation will be as rich as ever.
Confirming that applicants fit your culture remains crucial. Students may not be able to visit your site in person but you can invite them on a virtual tour of your facility, bring them into a strategy meeting, or share your screen while you work on a project – let’s explore ways to bring students into your world.
Share your lifetime of experience with students seeking to gain an edge in the competitive employment market. Our academies are series of workshops delivered by alumni or industry professionals on topics that enhance career readiness competencies. A variety of topical areas are covered, and industry partners are invited to act as facilitators, sit on panels, participate in networking sessions, or function as mentors for students.
A program that focuses on connecting students in a specific major with alumni that graduated with the same degree. Students increase their awareness of career options and career readiness competencies, hone their networking skills, and learn about the variety of career paths they can pursue.
**Alumni Oriented Event
To assist you with your diversity recruiting, our Career Pathways in Diversity initiative provides you with the following opportunities to aid in your recruitment and retention of diverse candidates:
- Share what diversity means in your organization
- Connect with students and recent graduates who value workplace diversity
- Inform career-oriented students about the internships and other types of work-based learning opportunities available in your organization
- Broaden your recruitment of seniors and recent graduates for entry-level employment
Diverse Student Organization Outreach
An effective way to reach targeted student groups is through involvement with student organizations. Employers can maximize their organization's visibility on campus by publicizing their campus events and internship and job opportunities. A list of diversity-focused Arts and Sciences and university student organizations is available below.
Arts and Sciences Diversity Student Organizations
Chinese Psychology Student Association
Society of Sisters
Society of Women in Physics
Undergraduate Black Law Student Association
Women in Math and Science
Other Diversity Student Organizations at Ohio State
Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers
Multicultural Students in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences
How to Get Involved
Employers have the opportunity to connect with first-year Arts and Sciences students who have a shared interest in the academic, cultural, career, and community benefits of diversity.
Employers who are seeking access to diverse, high-achieving students who are active in their local and campus communities are invited to attend designated student group meetings held throughout the semester. A portion of the meeting will be dedicated to the employer, who will have the opportunity to present information about their organization, including their internships or other career-oriented programs.