Career Success Welcomes Genesis Clarke!

May 28, 2024

Career Success Welcomes Genesis Clarke!

Genesis Clarke

Career Success is excited to welcome its newest staff member, Genesis Clarke, who has joined as the Associate Business Systems Analyst.

Genesis Clarke, a graduate of Capital University, completed her degree in Computer Science in December 2023. Clarke's background in data analytics and her passion for technology make her an excellent addition to the department. 

"I like that with technology, you are always learning and that you can be creative in the space while also solving problems!" 

Clarke also has a strong passion for education, having taught high school students.

 "I joined The Ohio State University for this reason, I like helping students succeed. My goal is to become an educator or work closely within the educational space. Ohio State  seems like an obvious choice, especially since it’s where both my interests combine into one: Technology and Education," 

During her time at university, Clarke gained valuable experience through internships, all of which she secured using Handshake. She interned at Coding Minds Academy and TechCorps, where she taught technology-related subjects, and at White Castle, where she worked in technology, IT, and data analytics. Her firsthand experience with the job market and the use of Handshake will be invaluable to Ohio State students seeking similar opportunities.

In her personal life, Clarke enjoys cooking and going to the gym, activities that help her maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

The Career Success Department looks forward to Clarke's innovative and dedicated approach to her new role, helping to guide and support our students in their career journeys.

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