Join us for a networking and career connection event open to all students interested in careers related to making a social impact.
Ohio State students are known for their passion in helping others. Buckeyes are always implementing ways to bring justice and equal economic, political, and social rights and opportunities for everyone, especially those who have limited access to certain privileges in society. This Career Connections event will feature several employers who improve people's lives in a variety of forms. Come talk to these organizations about what they do and different internship and job opportunities targeted to all majors and backgrounds. This exciting event will educate you about careers where you can help society as a whole.
This event will feature a panel Q&A with employers and then an opportunity for open networking. Employers include:
Breakthrough Cincinnati
City Year
Peace Corps
Teach For America
Please note that if you require any accommodations to fully participate in this event, please contact asccareer@osu.edu. Requests made two weeks before the event will generally allow us to provide seamless access, but the university will make every effort to meet requests made after this date.